Simpson County Youth Camp

Simpson County Youth Camp

Recap of Simpson County Youth Camp 2024 - June 16-21, 2024!!

We had a great week at Taylor Christian Camp!  We had 215 campers and adults for the week with lots of visitors and guest during the week.  Our campers were well-behaved, and our staff was top notch!  We used the theme UNASHAMED and taught lessons around not being ashamed to share the gospel message with those around us.  We had several highlights during the week (to many to share), but the best things came when were able to welcome new brothers and sisters into Christ!  We had six baptisms and 1 restoration during camp week and 1 more baptism when we got back to church on Sunday.  Listed below are those who responded and also a list of the end of the week awards for 2024. We are always sad that camp is over, but we are also happy to be home.  Camp takes a lot of work and the planning for 2025 has already begun!  We want to thank our church family for all of the prayers, contributions (physically and monetarily), and especially the parents for entrusting us with your kids. 

Baptisms: Lily House & Layla House (Caleb House), Jonathan Didato (Charlie Abston), Sydney Johnson (Steven Kirby), Lyla Williams (Trai Williams), Aiden Ahlstrom (Clayton Doyle), Maddie Shouse (Matt Shouse)

Restoration: Jenna Utley

Junior Campers of the Week: Nathaniel Lepping & Ada Jernigan

Senior Campers of the Week: Tucker Zeman & Macy Fowler

Junior Outstanding Bible Student of the Week: Carter Shouse & Molly Wilkins

Senior Outstanding Bible Student of the Week: Jonah Shouse & Ali Hix

Sportsmanship Award: Max Mathis & Maddie Shouse

Fishers of Men Award: Clayton Doyle

Survivor of the Week Award: Bryce Williamson

Duck Race Winners:

Females – Lucy Polston (1st) / Kate Johns (2nd) / Molly Mathis (3rd)

Males – Raymond Hensley (1st) / Benjamin Abston (2nd) / Matthew Pace (3rd)

Please click on the link below to get the informaton you may need....

SCYC Staff Handbook

SCYC 2024 Education Curriculum Outline

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SIMPSON COUNTY YOUTH CAMP 2025 - June 15-20, 2025 @ Taylor Christian Camp